Monday, May 30, 2011

Just an update :)

Hey everyone, I will be posting week 8 post-op pictures sometime this week. Have a great weekend! :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

7 weeks two days post-op :)

I can't believe it has almost been two months since I had my surgery!!!! I am sooo excited and pleased with the way I look.  Everything is going wonderful. My scabs from week two have FINALLY closed and are in the process of healing!! I am still a little red on my upper leg near my bikini line, but this is due to the compression garment given to me by my doctor.  I prefer to wear that one when sleeping because the other one makes me claustrophobic at night time.  I am going to make a follow up appointment with my doctor probably within the next two weeks, just to be sure everything is looking good and running smoothly.  I am still a little swollen on my right (left hip in picture), but to me, its well worth it. he he.  I am thinking about going back to the gym sometime this week but feel that perhaps I should get my doctors approval first.  I am still lathering on the cocoa butter every morning and oiling the skin every night with Vitamin E oil.  Aside from showering I am ALWAYS in one of my two compression garments.  I just LOVE my outcome.  For once I feel comfortable in my own skin and actually enjoy getting dressed in the mornings and going out.  Today I am going to upload about 5 or 6 pictures of my tummy. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask :) Thank-you for your support!! <3

You can see the redness on my upper leg/lower tummy.  This I believe is due to where my compression garment sits tightly around my skin.

 You can see the swollenness of the right (left in picture) hip. Its also probably because I have recently started sleeping on my side. (I can't help myself, sleeping on your back for almost two months is just ridiculous and uncomfortable!!!)

These are my jeans. Mind you, I have large hips to begin with, but can you believe how well they fit! I have never worn jeans around my pelvic area, due to insecurities of my weight I always wore my jeans just at my bellybutton in hopes of "hiding" my fat. There is nothing to hide anymore :) These jeans are also three sizes smaller than my previous size. I bought these during week 4 of my post-op surgery, and three weeks later they're already too big!!! :) :) :) ah it feels so good! yay me! <3

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just an update :)

Today I am 7 yes SEVEN weeks post-op. I will post pictures in Jeans tomorrow morning!! yay!!! :) :)

PS. Thank-you for all of the comments :) They truly make my day!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

6 weeks & three days Post-Op

Sorry I am a little late posting these pictures!! But I have FINALLY taken updated ones!! Everything is going really well. I haven't used the gel strips yet, only because I am still waiting for my two scabs from week 2 to heal.  Let me tell you, this has been quite the journey.  I know those of you who are anticipating the surgery are expecting swelling and perhaps even depression, which are both extremely common after a tummy tuck, but let me just say, its not as bad as you anticipate it being. I am sometimes swollen, I will admit that. But let me tell you, having an AMAZING flat tummy, SCAR included still over weighs the swelling. I would NEVER take this surgery back.  Waking up each morning and passing my mirrored closet doors with my tiny body is the best feeling. There isn't anything more I could ask for. I have gotten a few small stretch marks from the surgery, and stretching of the skin (that was done to pull my tummy tight during the operation), but they're not bad at all, they have lightened a bit and I do not anticipate them being quite visible, especially after a tan (come on, lets face it, I am as white as snow) hehe :) Anyway, thank-you for your comments :) as soon as I put Jeans on tonight I will take pictures per your request.

There me bending over. Still a bit swollen, but looking good! As you can see I still have some redness on the side under my scar due to my compression garment. There are also some marks above, near my breasts due to the garment, I removed it righhhhht before these pictures were taken :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Just an update :)

Everything has been going pretty well.  I have yet to sleep on my tummy, but I have been occasionally sleeping on my sides.  I am still having some problems with the two scabs from the tape that was placed over my incision on week 2, they just wont seem to heal. I keep wet/dry gauzing it, this means that I get a pad of gauze, soak it, ring it, and place it over the scabs, held by my undies. Later in the day, I will remove it (pulling it off like a band aid), not painful really, and with it comes the excess puss.  This has been really aiding the healing process.  I am extremely happy with my results.  I went clothes shopping about two weeks ago, and since my swelling has somewhat subsided my new jeans are becoming more loose as the weeks roll by, definitely NOTHING to complain about there. Anyhow, I will post some updated pictures by the end of this weekend :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

5 weeks Post-op Update

Well!! Five weeks have come and gone! So far everything is looking good! I have a few scabs still from the tape that was placed over my incision about 4 weeks ago, but other than that and  a little redness/swelling on my upper thigh everything is perfect.  I have been massaging cocoa butter and vitamin E oil over the incision and red areas for about two weeks now.  I find that the Vitamin E oil really soothes the skin and incision, so I put that on ever night, and lather the lotion on in the morning and at about mid-day.  I am currently on an antibiotic due to the swelling/redness on my upper thighs.  I think it might be from my compression garment that the doctor gave me at the time of surgery.  Although I wear my Veronique compression garment, most nights I still wear the white one given to me by my doctor.  I think this is what irritates my legs due to my constant sitting and standing.  I am soooooo happy with my results.  This week I went and bought a new bikini, I can't WAIT to wear it out :) This week I am going to start wearing the gel strips over my incision, so next week I will be sure to post about it.  I have uploaded a few updated pictures taken just a few moments ago.  This week I included one sitting down.  I hope these updates help :) if anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to ask :)

 This is me sitting down. NO ROLLS! Can you believe it!
 Do you see the redness of the leg, on either side of my pubic region? This is what I think was caused by my compression garment, and also what I am currently taking antibiotics for.
A Little swelling on the left hip. But swelling is always expected :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Real Quick

Tomorrow I will be posting my 5th week post-op pictures and update. Please forgive me for being late. :) OxOx

Friday, April 29, 2011

4 weeks Post-Op Update

Tomorrow I am 4-weeks post op! Can you believe it!! FOUR WEEKS! I am suuuper excited! I had my doctor appointment this last Wednesday and learned that everything is looking amazing. I do not have any more fluid in my belly button area, and my scar is healing nicely. I do have a few scabs, from the tape removal the first week that my doctor wants to keep an eye on, so I have another appointment for tomorrow. I am currently wearing smaller jeans and regular t-shirts. I feel like a new woman! I actually look forward to getting dressed up and going out. For the first time I am excited for summer, bikini here I come!! I have lost 2 lbs. since my last post!! I love my body and have absolutely no complaints. I have begun religiously wearing my Veronique compression garment and will start wearing the gel strips as soon as they are shipped to my home. This week I took a side picture with myself bending over to show that I have absolutely no access fat or skin, ANYWHERE.  The swelling, aside for a few occasional times,(especially on my hip area), has almost completely subsided. I will keep posting pictures and updates as they come!!

Bending over

Tilted at a side angle.

A little swelling on the left hip side.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Since my tummy tuck I promised my husband I will try my hardest to eat extremely healthy and will refuse to eat any fast food. In three weeks I have dropped almost 15 lbs. of my own weight!!! In the last two weeks I dropped a whole 9 lbs. I have been drinking A LOT of water and eating salads and Greek food (kabobs and Greek salad). I am not starving myself, for once I am actually doing this the right way.  I have lost this much weight without even stepping a foot into my gym.  My doctor recommends that I refrain from working out for about 8 weeks or until my body tells me it's time. I love that my arms and legs have become smaller due to my weight loss, and, for the cherry on top, my swelling has pretty much subsided this past week. Anyway, just a quick update. :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Post-Op #3 Update

Hellooo!! Sorry this post is super late.  My doctor rescheduled my third post-op appointment for a day later and it completely threw off my week.  This appointment went pretty well.  I am now allowed to rub Vitamin E, Aloe Vera and Cocoa Butter on my tummy and incision area!! My incision is doing really well, almost completely healed and looking clean.  Although I do have a few scabs where the tape was placed during my first post-op appointment.  Under my incision my thighs and legs have become extremely pink and dry from the rubbing of my compression garment, other than that, everything is well.  My doctor did say that I had less than 100cc of liquid near my belly button and recommended that I wear my Veronique compression garment and my post-op garment over, for extra tightness and protection.  He told me to keep watch on the swelling, and if it has yet to subside by my next appointment or ranges over 100cc of fluid he will have to stick a needle to extract it. Eeek. So here I sit with my compression garments wound tightly around my rib cage and tummy areas, miserable and hardly able to breathe.  All a part of the healing process, I suppose :/  .. I PROMISE to post more pictures as soon as possible. And I will update again on Wednesday.  I was also advised to purchase the gel scar strips, as soon as I do I will post information on those as well.  I am a tiny bit swollen, but nothing extreme, and I am finally standing straight. It has been exactly three weeks.  I went shopping to purchase a shirt for Easter (for the first time since surgery), its so nice to fit into smaller clothing and know that the clothes on the mannequin will look just as amazing on me. Happy Easter and until next time!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jeans and Cleanliness

Well, It has been two weeks and one day since my tummy tuck and liposuction.  I have decided to post in between my normal Wednesday updates.  Yesterday for the first time in exactly two weeks I completely showered; washed the hair, shaved and all :) it felt ooohh sooo good! I also put on make-up and I got my eyebrows waxed!!! They were wayyy over due. I feel so much better about myself this week, especially since I am able to groom myself.  It's funny the way we take small things for granted; such as showering and washing our hair.  I also put on the JEANS I wore at my smallest weight of 135 at 5'11, and guess what....THEY FIT!!! Now tell me that wouldn't make your day!! I couldn't believe it. I slid them over my legs and up around my waist. This was the first time I realized I didn't have to pull them over my belly button to hide my protruding pouch that always seemed to find its way into view.  With that said, I admit, I did not button my jeans, but that is only because I am still wearing my compression garment and my incision has obviously not healed in the two weeks post-op.  But still! If the garment was absent I could zip them up!! I felt so good about myself. I won't lie, it made my day!! Also, my incision is looking AMAZING!! Some scabs came off in a few small places around the incision and to be honest, the scar is so light, my husband can't believe it! My belly button is also back in action and 100% completely healed!! How nice not to have a giant crater of a belly button sitting center of my nice flat tummy. I LOVE it.  Today I have absolutely no complaints!! I will post some pictures soon, perhaps even before my next appointment on Wednesday :) 

Ps. I forgot to add, I have been less swollen these past two days!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Post-Op #2 Update

On Wednesday I had my second post-op appointment for my tummy tuck and liposuction surgery.  I am now 12 days post-op!!! I FINALLY got my one and only drain removed yesterday after long 11 days of worrying about it.  I was extremely paranoid it would hurt when removed and confided in quite a few Tummy Tuck Veterans, but as they said, it did not hurt!! I only felt a little jab inside my tummy. I think the anticipation and visual make it seem more scary and painful than it really is.  I also had one belly button stitch removed, and two stitches around the drain.  My doctor removed the surgical tape that was protectively covering my incision (note:see pictures below).  Unfortunately, I became allergic to the tape and it somewhat took off small pieces of my skin (this sounds worse than it felt), so in the picture that is provided, if the outlining skin of the incision appears pink or swollen, this is why.  My plastic surgeon said that I am healing beautifully, but to my dismay that I need to keep gauze on the side of my incision where my drain was located, mostly due to the fact that I can not have tape anywhere on my skin any longer.  I have noticed one significant difference between my this week and last weeks appointment; this week I am much more swollen.  This though, fortunately is normal, and will most likely become more swollen before the swelling subsides.  I am EXTREMELY happy with my Tummy Tuck and Liposuction results. I cant believe when I sit I have NO ROLLS!! Ah freedom! hehe :) I am currently wearing the compression garment that was provided by my doctor, but I was told I can now wear a new one, so tomorrow I am purchasing my new and improved compression garment from Design Veronique (note: link to the garment is provided a few posts below this one).  I have finally gotten on a regular diet, before I was eating half a can of soup and three yogurts a day (pain-pills make most foods extremely unappealing).  I am currently watching my weight and beginning my new healthy life-style. I love my results, I anticipated the swelling so to be honest, I couldn't ask for anything more.  Currently my only issue is standing.  I have become so used to hunching over that standing up straight (which is difficult with a compression garment) has become difficult, especially on my back. Also, my doctor advised that bending and lifting can cause swelling in my stomach, which would need to be removed with a needle, so I am doing everything in my power to avoid those, which in reality is extremely difficult and makes me feel helpless, thank-god for my husband.  All in all, I am having a great recovery process and can't wait to share my next Wednesday post-op appointment pictures with you :)

Both of these pictures were taken on my 11th day post-op

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just an update :)

Just a small update:  I have another post-op appointment on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m, yay I can't wait!! Hopefully that will be the day I get this obnoxious drain out of my side. Its constantly in my way and I am always worrying I am going to pull it out, paranoid a little? hehe. Also, I took my second shower yesterday. I finally got enough strength, took two pain-killers and hopped into the shower...Well, more like I sat down on the side of the tub and had my husband lather my arms and legs lol.  I still get a little faint when standing, and I am finally able to stand more than bend.  My first week I was unable to stand at all, so, leaning on my husband, I would walk bent and hunchbacked around the house, anticipating the comfort of my little couch nest.  Anyway, not only did I get a semi-shower, my husband took me to a local hair salon, and I FINALLY got my hair washed (my husband and I tried washing my hair on my 3rd day post op, and it was too uncomfortable), so I felt pretty fresh and clean yesterday :) which is a nice change.  However, I did get to see my bellybutton again yesterday and it is healing so well! Almost completely clear of blood!! And sure enough my bruises are veryyy slowly  lightening and disappearing!! I am only in pain when standing for too long, I think that is due to the compression garment, and after sleeping, probably because my body becomes too relaxed and lazy to rise in the early morning.  The WORST part about today is I am starting to itch, which is a good thing because that means my incision is healing!! yay!! The only two things I am afraid of happening at the doctors is: 1. Removal of the drain, and 2. Removal of my stitches.. I am unsure if they are the dissolvable kind or not. eek. Anyhow, there is my latest update, on Wednesday I will put up an ELEVEN DAY post-op picture for all to see :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Most Difficult

I believe the most difficult part about being overweight is revealing the weight in which you are, or in my case were.  I was asked on another blog what my 'before' weight was.  I never thought of posting it on this blog because I have always been extremely confidential when it came to that. Put it this way, my drivers license has a sticker over the weight portion!! But yesterday my husband made a really good point.  I took out the scale and told him how much I now weigh and he told me that it doesn't matter how much I weigh necessarily, its my measurements that are more important now, especially since I have gotten a tummy tuck and lipo suction. So, on that note, last Friday, the same day I took my BEFORE photos, I weighed approximately 206 lbs.  My doctor said that during the tummy tuck he cut off 8 to 10 lbs. In total I now weigh 12 lbs. less.  Keep in mind, I am not 5'3 either hehe. I am actually 5'11 with a medium to large build. After consulting with a doctor awhile back, my ideal weight for my height and build would be about 178 pounds.  So I am not there yet, but I promise, I'm on my way and even plan to way less than that.  :) I can't WAIT to get back to my gym to work on my new tummy :)

Note: I was going to post a picture of me in regular every day clothing to show you how well I 'hid' my stomach but I can't find any recent photos.  When one of my close friends saw my before pictures she told me she couldn't believe my tummy wasn't flat. So even though I was great at hiding it, and didn't look exactly 206 lbs. I was larger, and I am glad I have finally admitted it, so I can now move on to the new ideal me.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pre-Op Update

Well I DID IT!! I finally got what I've wanted for a lifetime, my new FLAT tummy.  I am 5 days post-op, I am using every last ounce of energy to write on my blog today and to post my first after picture.  I went in on Saturday, April 2nd at 11:00 am for my surgery.  My amazing doctor placed pen marks all over my stomach and back area, and in no time I was waking up from what I thought was just a moment of sleep, which in reality was more like 3 hours of intense surgery.  I don't remember anything about the day of my surgery because anesthesia makes me extremely nauseous and incoherent.  The first few days post-operation I was in some pain due to the drain that the doctor placed near my right hip.  The tube comes from my hip and extends into a drain that my husband empties about every 4 hours.  I clip the drain to the sheets on my couch, where I have placed my beloved nest that will keep me comfy for the next few weeks.  Surprisingly, unlike most women, I do not have any abdominal pain whatsoever and luckily my incision area does not hurt either.  I have some back pain, probably from laying so often, and bruising around the incision and drain areas.  The drain area is what gives me the most pain, but that is quickly washed away with a pain killer and a good nap.  To be completely honest, I want to say my breast augmentation hurt more than my tummy tuck and lipo suction, the only difference is that I was at the beach three days after my boob job, its been five and here I am, sitting in the same position I was the day of surgery.  If you want to know what it feels like, the only thing I can think of is; it feels like someone is standing on your stomach in a pair of stilettos. :/  ugh.  Do I regret the surgery? NEVER it was completely absolutely worth it, 100%.

Two days ago, on Wednesday, I went in for a post-op check-up.  My doctor removed my compression garment, padding and bandages and put tape over my stitches.  I couldn't believe how tiny I looked when I saw myself in the mirror. It was life-changing.  My belly button is still a little bloody, although the doctor did not have to remove it, thank god.  And my incision area is covered in iodine stains and aging bruises.  I am letting you know this because later in the blog I plan on posting a 4-day post-op picture of my tummy.  Keep in mind, my tummy will become even smaller once the swelling subsides. 

Everyone keeps telling me how exciting it will be for me to wear a bikini.  To be absolutely honest, all I care about is slipping my long legs into a nice pair of LOW-RISE jeans and buttoning them UNDER my belly button without the smallest bit of effort.  I have NEVER worn a pair of jeans below my belly button, I have always carefully and secretively tucked my pouch and belly button away, zipped my jeans in angst and went on with my day.  This is what I look forward to the most :)

My diet consists of light fat-free yogurt, soup and sugar free Popsicles.  I refuse to eat anything else because of the medicine I am taking.  Unfortunately, I am allergic to vicodin and codeine, so my doctor gave me Oxycontin, which works well for me if I eat only these things because otherwise I vomit.  I usually REFUSE to take pain-killers, just as I had refused to take them when I got my breasts done, but to be honest, its extremely hard to maneuver and do things like go to the restroom or rise from the couch without being on the pain-killers.

Anyway, sorry this post wasn't exactly exciting, I am still on my pain killers and today was a bad day, I am extremely sore for some reason, and not in the best of moods. I will keep you updated :) I have a doctors appointment next Wednesday so I should be posting more pictures then!! :)

This is my drain, its like a little grenade my husband empties for me. yuckie!!
This is my right hip,butt area where my drain is inserted under my skin,  Usually my compression garment covers the hole and tube, but I lifted it to snap this picture.
This is my 4-day post operation picture.  I have bruising and my belly button is still bloody but otherwise its looking pretty good! Big difference from the first few pictures I submitted!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pre-Op Pictures

These are a few BEFORE pictures of me, as I promised.  This was extremely difficult for me to post, because no one, aside from my husband has EVER seen me completely naked.  I would always be covered at the beach, atleast my tummy, and during anything else, was sure to leave my shirt ON.  I am putting up these pictures with the knowledge ANYONE can comment on them, that means both negative and positive.  But you know what, I'm okay with that.  For the first time in my life, I am posting these pictures to the world to say hey, this is me, this is reality.  So here are my pre-tummy tuck and liposuction pictures.  In less than 13 hours this me will be a memory.

For the last time

Less than 24 hours until my tummy tuck and liposuction!! Ecstatic doesn't even begin to describe the way I feel.  Tonight we are going out, and it just hit me that this will be the LAST time I will "suck it in" to fit into my jeans, the last time clothes go flying this way and that due to the fact I look "fat" in EVERYTHING.  I can't believe that in less than 24 hours I will be an IDEAL me. FINALLY!! To be honest, I have always felt extremely more self-conscious around men than around women, especially while eating.  Everywhere I went, when a man would stare, I would think in my mind, "Is he thinking I shouldn't be eating this, due to my weight and largeness?"  Getting a tummy tuck and liposuction is a HUGE step for me, it's not one step closer or on the cusp of being ideal, it IS ideal. The counters and tables are full of Vitamin E-oil, Tylenol, Cocoa butter, magazines and pillows.  The jello is setting and hardening in the fridge, the ginger ale is cooling, as I am impatiently awaiting the day to be "an ideal me."

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Worries & Questions

Less than two days before my surgery!! I can't even sleep at night any more because I am so overwhelmed with emotions. Its like waiting for Santa Claus all over again! :)

A few small things about my surgery have been constantly crossing my mind. For example;

  • Belly Button:  What if my doctor places my bellybutton too high or low? What if my belly button isn't placed directly center, more off to one side? Will my belly button heal as an innie or an outtie?
  • Drains:  How long will I have my drains in for?  Does it hurt to have the drains taken out?
  • Swelling:  How long will I be swollen? When will I be able to wear jeans comfortably? Does the swelling effect the results?
  • Depression:  I have read in several forums, websites, and blogs that it is extremely common for women, post-tummy tuck, to go through depression.  Will I have the same side effect? When will it come, within the first month? How long will it last? Will it hinder my overall feelings about the surgery?
  • Society:  What will my family think (only my immediate family knows), what will my friends think?
  • Scarring: Will my incision be placed lower or higher? How long does it take for the numbness and pinkness of the incision to lighten?

Those are just a few questions off of the top of my head that I plan to ask my doctor. I will admit I am extremely nervous, but as with any surgery that is expected. Eek!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Helping Hand

It's only a few days before my Tummy Tuck and Liposuction!! I have decided to provide a few links and lists of a few women who's blogs and videos have really encouraged me to go along with the tummy tuck, and to write my own story as well.  I will also list a few things that I have learned are necessities for my Post-Op Journey :)

I came upon Roni's website when I was googling before and after pictures of tummy tucks.  Not only did she provide these encouraging photos, she explained what she was going through along with monthly and yearly updates.  Her confidence really aided the progression of my own confidence for my surgery:

Roni's Tummy Tuck

Another extremely inspiring woman was Becky.  I found her videos on YouTube.  She went public from the night before her Tummy Tuck surgery through one year post-op, and beyond.  Her strength and confidence in posting a video for the world to see is truly inspiring and interesting to see.

Becky's Tummy Tuck Journey via YouTube

Now I am going to list a few necessities I have learned that are essential to a healthy recovery:
  • Burts Bees, Mama Bee Belly Balm (used to lighten the tummy tuck scar)
  • Non-Zippered Abdominal Girdle (this was referred to me by a friend who also had a tummy tuck & by my surgery facility)
  • Vitamin E Oil (Also used to lighten the tummy tuck scar
  • Flexible Straws (so you won't have to bend)
  • Stool Softener (I know this is disgusting but it will help when using the restroom, you won't have to use your abdominal muscles to push)
  • Extra-Pillows (for comfort, under the body and at the bend of the knees)
  • Extra-Sheets (in case the drains leak on the couch, chair or bed area)
  • Ice-Packs (aid swelling)
  • XL Underwear (for comfort, at least 6 pairs, two at a time, one for holding the drains)
These are a few things, that I would have NEVER thought to buy before my surgery.  And aside from the girdle, most are extremely inexpensive and essential to have. If I can think of anything more, I will definitely add them.  :)

Life before Surgery

Hello :)

This Blog will follow my Abdominoplasty Journey, from the night before surgery through my post-op difficulties, thoughts, opinions, and updates.  I have never written a blog before, so hang in tight, and give me a chance :) My surgery is in approximately three days, and so the countdown and sleepless nights begin. I am going to begin by giving you a little preview of who I am, and why I chose to go through with this surgery.  I am currently in my 20's, about 5'11, married with no children.  Now, most people would ask, "why are you getting this surgery, if you haven't had children?" Well, let me give you some details on my childhood.  I grew up much taller and thicker than most of my childhood friends.  At the age of about 12, I weighed over 200 lbs. Now you can only imagine, how large I was.  Being 12 I couldn't remember a time that I wasn't stepping into plus sized clothing.  Being overweight at a young age, really took its toll on my emotional state.  My mother and I decided I should visit a dietitian.  I choose the cabbage soup diet and with the doctors approval I began.  On the diet I lost about 50 pounds in three months (I also signed up for softball, for exercise).  Throughout my middle and high school years I lost about 10 lbs. of "baby fat".  I began college, and throughout the four years my weight plummeted and rose.  My senior year of college I lost about 35 pounds, and weighed only 138 lbs. at 5'11, which is pretty low for a woman of my height.  A few months later, I was married, and as most women know, unfortunately I gained a bit of weight.

I have finally chose, years later, to get a consultation with my plastic surgeon (whom also performed my breast augmentation) and we both decided that I get an abdominoplasty and liposuction of the flanks. 

I know that many people would disagree with my decision, but I chose to do this for myself.  Being overweight a large part of my life has really damaged my confidence and securities.  Although I have not had children, I still have extra skin on my tummy from my previous weight losses.  And at my prime weight of 138 (a year and a half ago) I still had the little pouch that forms above the pubic area. And trust me, with healthy eating, and excessive exercise and training the pouch still hung there taunting me.

With my past done and said, this blog will now be dedicated primarily to My abdominoplasty Journey.

(I will post before pictures of my abdominalplasty on Friday)