Hellooo!! Sorry this post is super late. My doctor rescheduled my third post-op appointment for a day later and it completely threw off my week. This appointment went pretty well. I am now allowed to rub Vitamin E, Aloe Vera and Cocoa Butter on my tummy and incision area!! My incision is doing really well, almost completely healed and looking clean. Although I do have a few scabs where the tape was placed during my first post-op appointment. Under my incision my thighs and legs have become extremely pink and dry from the rubbing of my compression garment, other than that, everything is well. My doctor did say that I had less than 100cc of liquid near my belly button and recommended that I wear my Veronique compression garment and my post-op garment over, for extra tightness and protection. He told me to keep watch on the swelling, and if it has yet to subside by my next appointment or ranges over 100cc of fluid he will have to stick a needle to extract it. Eeek. So here I sit with my compression garments wound tightly around my rib cage and tummy areas, miserable and hardly able to breathe. All a part of the healing process, I suppose :/ .. I PROMISE to post more pictures as soon as possible. And I will update again on Wednesday. I was also advised to purchase the gel scar strips, as soon as I do I will post information on those as well. I am a tiny bit swollen, but nothing extreme, and I am finally standing straight. It has been exactly three weeks. I went shopping to purchase a shirt for Easter (for the first time since surgery), its so nice to fit into smaller clothing and know that the clothes on the mannequin will look just as amazing on me. Happy Easter and until next time!!
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