Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just an update :)

Just a small update:  I have another post-op appointment on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m, yay I can't wait!! Hopefully that will be the day I get this obnoxious drain out of my side. Its constantly in my way and I am always worrying I am going to pull it out, paranoid a little? hehe. Also, I took my second shower yesterday. I finally got enough strength, took two pain-killers and hopped into the shower...Well, more like I sat down on the side of the tub and had my husband lather my arms and legs lol.  I still get a little faint when standing, and I am finally able to stand more than bend.  My first week I was unable to stand at all, so, leaning on my husband, I would walk bent and hunchbacked around the house, anticipating the comfort of my little couch nest.  Anyway, not only did I get a semi-shower, my husband took me to a local hair salon, and I FINALLY got my hair washed (my husband and I tried washing my hair on my 3rd day post op, and it was too uncomfortable), so I felt pretty fresh and clean yesterday :) which is a nice change.  However, I did get to see my bellybutton again yesterday and it is healing so well! Almost completely clear of blood!! And sure enough my bruises are veryyy slowly  lightening and disappearing!! I am only in pain when standing for too long, I think that is due to the compression garment, and after sleeping, probably because my body becomes too relaxed and lazy to rise in the early morning.  The WORST part about today is I am starting to itch, which is a good thing because that means my incision is healing!! yay!! The only two things I am afraid of happening at the doctors is: 1. Removal of the drain, and 2. Removal of my stitches.. I am unsure if they are the dissolvable kind or not. eek. Anyhow, there is my latest update, on Wednesday I will put up an ELEVEN DAY post-op picture for all to see :)

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