Thursday, April 14, 2011

Post-Op #2 Update

On Wednesday I had my second post-op appointment for my tummy tuck and liposuction surgery.  I am now 12 days post-op!!! I FINALLY got my one and only drain removed yesterday after long 11 days of worrying about it.  I was extremely paranoid it would hurt when removed and confided in quite a few Tummy Tuck Veterans, but as they said, it did not hurt!! I only felt a little jab inside my tummy. I think the anticipation and visual make it seem more scary and painful than it really is.  I also had one belly button stitch removed, and two stitches around the drain.  My doctor removed the surgical tape that was protectively covering my incision (note:see pictures below).  Unfortunately, I became allergic to the tape and it somewhat took off small pieces of my skin (this sounds worse than it felt), so in the picture that is provided, if the outlining skin of the incision appears pink or swollen, this is why.  My plastic surgeon said that I am healing beautifully, but to my dismay that I need to keep gauze on the side of my incision where my drain was located, mostly due to the fact that I can not have tape anywhere on my skin any longer.  I have noticed one significant difference between my this week and last weeks appointment; this week I am much more swollen.  This though, fortunately is normal, and will most likely become more swollen before the swelling subsides.  I am EXTREMELY happy with my Tummy Tuck and Liposuction results. I cant believe when I sit I have NO ROLLS!! Ah freedom! hehe :) I am currently wearing the compression garment that was provided by my doctor, but I was told I can now wear a new one, so tomorrow I am purchasing my new and improved compression garment from Design Veronique (note: link to the garment is provided a few posts below this one).  I have finally gotten on a regular diet, before I was eating half a can of soup and three yogurts a day (pain-pills make most foods extremely unappealing).  I am currently watching my weight and beginning my new healthy life-style. I love my results, I anticipated the swelling so to be honest, I couldn't ask for anything more.  Currently my only issue is standing.  I have become so used to hunching over that standing up straight (which is difficult with a compression garment) has become difficult, especially on my back. Also, my doctor advised that bending and lifting can cause swelling in my stomach, which would need to be removed with a needle, so I am doing everything in my power to avoid those, which in reality is extremely difficult and makes me feel helpless, thank-god for my husband.  All in all, I am having a great recovery process and can't wait to share my next Wednesday post-op appointment pictures with you :)

Both of these pictures were taken on my 11th day post-op


  1. These are great shots!!! I am 2 weeks post op and I am really excited and can't wait for my bloating to subside! I'm looking at your blow to see what to expect next.

    Thanks for posting,

  2. I am 5 weeks now myself. My results are very similar to these
