Thursday, March 31, 2011

Worries & Questions

Less than two days before my surgery!! I can't even sleep at night any more because I am so overwhelmed with emotions. Its like waiting for Santa Claus all over again! :)

A few small things about my surgery have been constantly crossing my mind. For example;

  • Belly Button:  What if my doctor places my bellybutton too high or low? What if my belly button isn't placed directly center, more off to one side? Will my belly button heal as an innie or an outtie?
  • Drains:  How long will I have my drains in for?  Does it hurt to have the drains taken out?
  • Swelling:  How long will I be swollen? When will I be able to wear jeans comfortably? Does the swelling effect the results?
  • Depression:  I have read in several forums, websites, and blogs that it is extremely common for women, post-tummy tuck, to go through depression.  Will I have the same side effect? When will it come, within the first month? How long will it last? Will it hinder my overall feelings about the surgery?
  • Society:  What will my family think (only my immediate family knows), what will my friends think?
  • Scarring: Will my incision be placed lower or higher? How long does it take for the numbness and pinkness of the incision to lighten?

Those are just a few questions off of the top of my head that I plan to ask my doctor. I will admit I am extremely nervous, but as with any surgery that is expected. Eek!!

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