Friday, April 8, 2011

Pre-Op Update

Well I DID IT!! I finally got what I've wanted for a lifetime, my new FLAT tummy.  I am 5 days post-op, I am using every last ounce of energy to write on my blog today and to post my first after picture.  I went in on Saturday, April 2nd at 11:00 am for my surgery.  My amazing doctor placed pen marks all over my stomach and back area, and in no time I was waking up from what I thought was just a moment of sleep, which in reality was more like 3 hours of intense surgery.  I don't remember anything about the day of my surgery because anesthesia makes me extremely nauseous and incoherent.  The first few days post-operation I was in some pain due to the drain that the doctor placed near my right hip.  The tube comes from my hip and extends into a drain that my husband empties about every 4 hours.  I clip the drain to the sheets on my couch, where I have placed my beloved nest that will keep me comfy for the next few weeks.  Surprisingly, unlike most women, I do not have any abdominal pain whatsoever and luckily my incision area does not hurt either.  I have some back pain, probably from laying so often, and bruising around the incision and drain areas.  The drain area is what gives me the most pain, but that is quickly washed away with a pain killer and a good nap.  To be completely honest, I want to say my breast augmentation hurt more than my tummy tuck and lipo suction, the only difference is that I was at the beach three days after my boob job, its been five and here I am, sitting in the same position I was the day of surgery.  If you want to know what it feels like, the only thing I can think of is; it feels like someone is standing on your stomach in a pair of stilettos. :/  ugh.  Do I regret the surgery? NEVER it was completely absolutely worth it, 100%.

Two days ago, on Wednesday, I went in for a post-op check-up.  My doctor removed my compression garment, padding and bandages and put tape over my stitches.  I couldn't believe how tiny I looked when I saw myself in the mirror. It was life-changing.  My belly button is still a little bloody, although the doctor did not have to remove it, thank god.  And my incision area is covered in iodine stains and aging bruises.  I am letting you know this because later in the blog I plan on posting a 4-day post-op picture of my tummy.  Keep in mind, my tummy will become even smaller once the swelling subsides. 

Everyone keeps telling me how exciting it will be for me to wear a bikini.  To be absolutely honest, all I care about is slipping my long legs into a nice pair of LOW-RISE jeans and buttoning them UNDER my belly button without the smallest bit of effort.  I have NEVER worn a pair of jeans below my belly button, I have always carefully and secretively tucked my pouch and belly button away, zipped my jeans in angst and went on with my day.  This is what I look forward to the most :)

My diet consists of light fat-free yogurt, soup and sugar free Popsicles.  I refuse to eat anything else because of the medicine I am taking.  Unfortunately, I am allergic to vicodin and codeine, so my doctor gave me Oxycontin, which works well for me if I eat only these things because otherwise I vomit.  I usually REFUSE to take pain-killers, just as I had refused to take them when I got my breasts done, but to be honest, its extremely hard to maneuver and do things like go to the restroom or rise from the couch without being on the pain-killers.

Anyway, sorry this post wasn't exactly exciting, I am still on my pain killers and today was a bad day, I am extremely sore for some reason, and not in the best of moods. I will keep you updated :) I have a doctors appointment next Wednesday so I should be posting more pictures then!! :)

This is my drain, its like a little grenade my husband empties for me. yuckie!!
This is my right hip,butt area where my drain is inserted under my skin,  Usually my compression garment covers the hole and tube, but I lifted it to snap this picture.
This is my 4-day post operation picture.  I have bruising and my belly button is still bloody but otherwise its looking pretty good! Big difference from the first few pictures I submitted!

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